Welcome to the world of Biblical baby girl names! Choosing a name for your little one is an important task, and there’s no better way to do it than by selecting one with a special meaning.
What could be more meaningful than choosing a name that comes straight from the Bible? Whether you’re looking for something traditional or trendy, this list will help you find the perfect moniker for your daughter.
Exploring Ancient Wisdom Through Biblical Girl Names
Biblical names have long been a source of inspiration for parents from different cultures looking for unique and unusual names. They are timeless, as they have been used throughout history.
These names have traveled through time without losing their beauty and elegance. Initially, they were associated with Judaism and Christianity through the sacred texts: the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament.
These biblical names do not betray time or belong to any social class. On the contrary, these names became a part of the life of these families that identified themselves as Christian families sharing the teachings and values of Christianity.
The Old and New Testaments are full of female and male characters with unusual, beautiful names from which you can draw inspiration to choose the name for your baby.
- Exploring Ancient Wisdom Through Biblical Girl Names
- Uncovering the Hidden Meaning of Biblical Baby Names
- Rightly Selecting a Meaningful Biblical Name
- Top 10 – The Most Beautiful Biblical Names for Girls
- Uncommon Biblical Girl's Names
- Uncovering Hidden Gems: Unique Biblical Names for Girls
- Biblical Baby Names From the Old Testament
- Biblical Baby Names From the New Testament
- Christian names for girls
The Old and New Testaments are rich in female personalities with unusual and beautiful names from which you can draw inspiration to choose your baby’s name.
Today we will dive into different ramifications of biblical names: some names are part of the New Testament, others are part of the Old Testament, some are favorites among Jewish families, and some have been favorites among Christian families.
This Definitive List is a compilation of some of the most popular biblical names and some not-so-well-known but notable names. The list will give you an idea of what biblical name might work best for your little one.
Uncovering the Hidden Meaning of Biblical Baby Names
Uncovering the hidden meaning of Biblical Baby Names can be a fascinating and rewarding experience. Biblical names are often seen as mysterious, with their powerful associations with influential figures in the Bible.
By examining the roots of these names and exploring their associated meanings, we can gain a deeper understanding of what they represent to us today.
Let’s look at the etymology of each name. We can discover subtle nuances about the character’s purpose in the Bible, their traits and personality, and any spiritual implications that may be present.
Furthermore, by researching how these names have been used throughout history and in different cultures, we can gain insight into how they have evolved and what they mean today.
Uncovering the hidden meaning of Biblical Baby Names is an incredible journey into our past, providing us with unique insights into our lives today.
Rightly Selecting a Meaningful Biblical Name
Choosing a Biblical name for your child is no small task. It can be challenging to decide on the perfect combination of elements that reflect your family’s heritage and beliefs and your hopes for the future. To make the process easier, starting by researching what names you like and their meanings is essential.
Once you have a list of your favorite names, consider reaching out to family and friends for feedback and ideas on what names they feel best to represent your life values.
Also, consider the culture around your baby and the country you live in; these reasons are important when choosing a name because your baby’s name will have a tangible impact on your kid’s life.
Ultimately, the decision should come down to which name speaks most to you as a parent and will best honor your faith while showing off your child’s unique personality.
Top 10 – The Most Beautiful Biblical Names for Girls
Unlock sacred beauty with these 10 Biblical girl names. From the classic to the modern, these beautiful Biblical girl names will give your little one a name that carries special significance. These names are perfect for parents looking for meaningful, traditional, and powerful monikers for their daughters.

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Each name holds a timeless appeal while still feeling fresh and unique. So if you’re looking for a name that stands out from the crowd but still has strong spiritual roots, look no further than these ten gorgeous Biblical girl names! – Each of these names is infused with spiritual symbolism and has earned a place among the most popular female biblical names over time.
Elise is a feminine name of French origin, meaning “God is My Oath” or “Pledged to God.” It can also be interpreted as a “pledge” or “consecrated to God.” Elise is derived from the Hebrew name Elisheva, which means “God’s promise.”- “God is fullness” in Hebrew.
Gospel according to Luke in chapter 1: Elizabeth (Elisabeth) is the mother of the prophet John the Baptist and the wife of Zechariah, related “probably a cousin to Mary.” Variants: Lisa, Elise, Eliza
The name Elise is mentioned in the Bible several times in the form of Elisheba, indicating it has been around for quite some time.
In recent years, Elise has become one of the most famous names in the United States, ranking highly on both girls’ and boys’ lists since 2011. Its popularity may be due to its melodic sound, its connotations of faith and devotion to God, or both.
Abigail derives from the Hebrew words ab, father, and Gila, joy. “God is joy, or My joy is in God,” and “brings joy” or “father’s joy.“
The name was first used in the Bible to refer to King David’s third wife, Abigail of Carmel. In the Bible, Abigail is seen as a wise and loyal figure who helps prevent a war between her husband and King Saul. She is an admirable woman who demonstrates extraordinary courage and strength throughout her story.
Over time, this name has become popular due to its positive connotations in the biblical narrative. Abigail is often seen as a strong-willed and independent woman, making it an ideal choice for parents searching for a meaningful name for their daughters. It has been ranked one of America’s top 100 baby girl names for decades and is popular today.
The name Elizabeth is likely of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my oath” or “God is abundance.” It appears in the Bible as Elisheva, the wife of Aaron, Moses’ brother. The name has been popular throughout history, peaking in the United States between 1880 and 1920.
Today it remains a popular choice for parents looking for a traditional yet timeless name. Elizabeth was the name of several queens throughout history, including Queen Elizabeth I of England and Empress Elisabeth of Austria, which makes it a powerful choice for baby girls today.
Despite its popularity over many centuries, it still stands out from other names due to its unique meaning and impressive royal heritage.
According to the Bible, Eve was the first woman created by God. She lives with her companion Adam in absolute happiness in the Garden of Eden. Until, unfortunately, curious and probably greedy, Eve allows herself to be tempted.
Eve is a Biblical name of Hebrew origin; she is a woman with much femininity and honesty. She is always ready to dialogue because she is very social.
She also likes to help others and has a good sense of cooperation at work. In love, she is a person who gives herself totally if she feels security and love.
Gabrielle is a biblical name of Hebrew origin. It means: ” God is my strength or Woman of God.” The onomastic is celebrated on September 29. Gabrielle is a conservative person who likes traditions and is a bit superstitious.
Judith is a biblical female name introduced in Genesis as one of the wives of Esau, Jacob’s older brother. The heroine’s name in the biblical book bears her name, the Book of Judith.
This name means “woman from Judea” or praised one.” The name Judith is one of the rare or uncommon biblical names.
In the Bible, Deborah is a prophetess of the XII century B.C J.-C, in the mountain of Epharaïim, to thank Yahweh for giving victory to her people against the Canaanites. She composed a song preserved in the Bible.
This uncommon female biblical name means: “bee” or worker like the bee.”
Deborah possesses a strong personality with authority. She is a very ambitious person with a lot of energy. She is also a worldly woman who knows how to take advantage of life’s opportunities.
The name Mary is of Hebrew origin and means “wished for a child,” “beloved.” or “drop from the sea.” Mary is a popular name due to its spiritual connotations, as it is the name of one of the most important figures in both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible.
In the Old Testament, Mary is mentioned as the mother of Moses and Aaron. In the New Testament, Mary is most famously known as the mother of Jesus Christ, appearing throughout all four Bible Gospels.
Mary’s story demonstrates her unwavering faith and devotion to God, making her an inspiring figure for many. Due to its religious significance, Mary has become a trendy name throughout history and continues to be used today by parents worldwide looking for a meaningful and powerful choice for their daughters.
Sarah is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “princess” or “noblewoman.” It has been popular since biblical times; Sarah, often spelled Sarai, was Abraham’s wife and Isaac’s mother in the Old Testament.
The name has also been used by other figures in the Bible, including Sarah, daughter of Asher, and Sarah, wife of Eliezer. In addition to its Biblical roots, Sarah is also found in Islamic tradition as the wife of Abraham’s son Ishmael. The name is widespread throughout Europe and North America and is often spelled with an “h,” making it Sara(h). It can be shortened to the nickname Sadie or Sally. Sarah is a timeless classic representing nobility, femininity, and grace.
In the book of Genesis, Sarah, often spelled Sarai, was Abraham’s wife and Isaac’s mother in the Old Testament. Sarah didn’t have a kid until she was 90 years old. Abraham was promised that she would be “a mother of nations” God (Genesis 17:16)
Sarah is a biblical name that has been in trend since 1980.
Rebekah’s name appears in Genesis, the first book of the Torah or Pentateuch, and, therefore, it is also the first book of the Jewish Tanakh and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. In the Bible, she is the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob. Genesis 24.
Rebecca - wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau. Genesis, Romans[164][165]
Rebecca is a person who analyzes her surroundings skillfully and can give reasonable explanations for what is going on. She is also a protective person of those who needs her help. Rebekah likes balanced relationships in love, and communication with her partner is critical.
Leah is a popular name of Hebrew origin that means “weary” or “delicate.” In the Bible, Leah was the older sister of Rachel and the first wife of Jacob, who later gave birth to six sons. The name has also been popular in other cultures; for example, in French, it is spelled Léa and is used for both boys and girls.
Throughout history, Leah has been used in literature and music to represent strength, loyalty, and beauty; for example, Dante Gabriel Rossetti named a poem after her.
Today, Leah remained a popular name choice; in 2019, it was ranked #76 on the U.S. Social Security Administration’s list of most popular baby names.
This biblical name means “kind” or ” pleasantness, the one with gentleness.” Fashionable in the 1990s and 2000s, it is less common today. Naomi was a mainly Jewish name in the Old Testament, and in the Bible, Naomi is the mother-in-law of Ruth.
Noemi is a woman who has a lot of initiative and who likes to achieve perfection in everything she does. Naomi is also a very dedicated person in the things she considers necessary.
The name Lisa comes from Hebrew. If you’re looking for a Biblical name, you’re probably seeking one that expresses your religious beliefs. Lisa means “God’s promise,” which will help babies on their faith path.
Rachel is a Hebrew name meaning “ewe” or “female lamb.” It is derived from the root word Rahel, which means to wander. In the Bible, Rachel was Jacob’s beloved wife and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.
She was known for her beauty, kindness, and loyalty to Jacob even when he had two other wives. Rachel is also remembered for her iconic scene in the Bible where she stole Laban’s idols before fleeing with Jacob and his family. Rachel’s name has been prevalent throughout history.
But, it wasn’t until around 1910 that it entered the top 10 list of most popular baby girl names in the U.S. Today, Rachel remains a timeless name full of character and faith. Genesis 29:6
Jael is a name that comes from the Hebrew yo-el, which means “mountain goat.” In the Old Testament, Heber’s wife is named, who was a Kenite. Judges 4:17-22
Jael has a great sense of responsibility. We can count on her loyalty in friendship, love, and business. Sweet and modest, she does not show her feelings too much.
Esther is a trendy name for girls in the Bible and beyond. The origin of the name is believed to be Persian, and it has been historically used as a Jewish female name.
It is derived from the Persian word “stara,” which translates to “star.” or “light,” and many believe this is symbolic of her bright personality. In the Bible, Esther is vital in delivering her people from destruction by using her courage and wit.
She stands out among other biblical girl names for being courageous and having a strong sense of justice.
Esther is an unusual biblical name.
Ruth in the Bible is a Moabite (originally from the land of Moab). She became a widow at a young age and moved to a foreign country with her stepmother Noemi, then returned to Bethlehem to marry Boaz (Boaz and Ruth married and had a son named Obed.
Obed is the father of Jesse and grandfather of David (king). Ruth, Matthew 169). The Book of Ruth’s heroine is then the great-grandmother of King David. Her story is found in the book of Ruth in the Old Testament.
Ruth became the third most popular name in the 1890s, remaining in the Top 10 names until the early 1920s. Today it is still a name in use, as some parents, tired of Rachel and Rebecca, are considering Ruth. Some people see Old Testament girl names like Ruth and Esther on the way to popularity.
Ruth is a Hebrew name with various meanings, including "companion" or "friend." It can also mean "satisfied," "blessed," and even "vision of beauty."
This name means ” lily, the grace of the lily” in Hebrew. It was a trendy name for women between 1930 and 1950 but has become less common for girls. However, that tendency is picking up again…
Susanna, in the Bible, is described as a beautiful woman. “Susanna and the two old men” is a biblical story about a young woman who, while bathing, is surprised by two old men who proposition her. When Susanna refuses, they take revenge by accusing her of adultery. But the prophet Daniel defends her and saves her from death by confusing the accusers and proving her innocence. In Luke’s Gospel, Susanna is one of Jesus’ disciples.
Anna is a Biblical name that has never gone out of fashion and is a name that comes from the Hebrew Hannah, which means “grace.”
In the Bible, Saint Anna was married to Joachim. She was sterile, and she begged God to give her a son. Her wish was answered, so Anna gave birth to the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ’s mother.
Personality: proud and discreet; she impresses with her elegance. Her family strongly influences her. She is intuitive, willful, and thoughtful. She appreciates excellence and leaves nothing to chance in her life.
In the Bible, Magdalene or Mary Magdalene originates in Magdala, in Galilee. She is Martha and Lazarus’ sister. She follows Jesus Christ throughout his life, up to Golgotha, and participates in his burial.
She was the one who discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty and who informed the apostles to whom Jesus announced his resurrection. After Pentecost, she would come to Gaul to evangelize.
Magdalene is a name of Hebrew origin and comes from Magdala, the name of a city in Galilee.
Martha is a given name of Aramaic origin, meaning “lady or mistress of the house.”
Martha of Bethany is mentioned in the Bible in the Gospels of Luke and John. She was Lazarus and Mary’s sister. Martha is the one who keeps the home and welcomes Jesus as a good housewife when he comes to preach in the city. She saw her brother Lazarus resurrected by Jesus.
The name comes from the Hebrew expression “God is gracious.” It is the feminine form of John, an evangelist and apostle of the Bible. The saint’s day of Joan is on May 30, in honor of St. Joan of Arc. Joanna’s smiling and cheerful.
Delilah, which means “delicate” or “she who holds the key” in Hebrew, is a name that has never been out of use by the Jews. In the Old Testament Book of Judges, Delilah is Samson’s wife. While asleep, she betrays her husband by cutting off his hair, “the source of his enormous strength.”
This biblical female name originates in the Hebrew word “shalom,” which means “peace.” Salome was a Jewish princess of the first century, the daughter of King Herod and Queen Herodias. In the New Testament, Salome danced in the presence of her father.
Overjoyed, he grants her a wish. By order of her mother, she demands the head of John the Baptist, which Herod brought her on a silver platter. The name has been climbing in ranking since 94.
This rare biblical name appears in the Old Testament; Sephora is Moses’ wife. Sephora was also Jethro’s daughter, considered a prophet according to Koranic tradition. This name means “little bird” in Hebrew and “whistle” in Arabic.
Myriam has several meanings, each of them equally representative. Its first meaning is “star of the sea” or “She who brings up.” Then, according to the etymological origin, Miriam means “the beloved,” We will see that each of these meanings corresponds to a particular period in Miriam’s life; in the Bible, she was Moses’ and Aaron’s sister, daughter of Yocheved and Amram.
Hannah is a beautiful biblical name that has its roots in Hebrew. The meaning of the name is “grace” or “favor,” and it has been popular for centuries. In the Bible, Hannah was the mother of Samuel, and she was known for her great faith and devotion to God.
Her story exemplifies how perseverance pays off, as her prayers were answered when she gave birth to a son after many years of being childless.
In modern times, Hannah remains a popular name for girls worldwide, symbolizing grace, beauty, and strength. It is also a reminder that prayer can bring true happiness even in difficult times.
Uncommon Biblical Girl’s Names

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Are you looking for an original and ancient name for your future little girl? Think about uncommon biblical names. Find out these unusual names, their corresponding meaning, and the biblical personality they evoke.
This uncommon biblical name comes from the Hebrew “Athalyah,” from the Greek “Gotholia,” and the Latin “Athalia,” which means “Yahweh is exalted.” By this name, we know Athaliah, the queen mother of ancient Judah, is the daughter of Jezebel.
The name is of Hebrew origin and means “bush,” In Arabic, the meaning is “treasure.” In the Bible, Keziah is the middle of Job’s three daughters.
This biblical name is of Hebrew origin. It can be interpreted as “daughter of the oath.” In the Old Testament, Bathsheba is the wife of King David and the mother of Solomon, prophet and king of Israel.
This name means “little bird” in Hebrew and “whistle” in Arabic. In the Bible, Sephora is Moses’ wife.
Jemima comes from a Hebrew word meaning “dove.” The name was diffused in the United States by the Puritans and Anglo-Saxon Protestants of the 17th century. In the Bible, Jemima is Job’s first daughter.
Keturah can be interpreted in Hebrew as “incense.” In Genesis, Keturah, also written Keturah, is Abraham’s second wife after Sarah’s death.
This rare name has Hebrew roots and means “who is like God.” Mikhal is the second daughter of King Saul and David’s first wife in the Bible. Those who read the Bible will generally remember only one episode of Michal when she scorned David for dancing in front of the ark of God entering Jerusalem.
Chani means “God has favored me.” Chani is Fremen’s wife and Paul Atreides’ legal concubine in the Bible.
Axa is known in the Bible as Caleb’s daughter. This name means “Anklet.”
This biblical name comes from a Latin word meaning “ancient.” Priscilla. In the New Testament, Priscilla is Aquila’s wife. Expelled from Rome, the couple welcomed the apostle Paul in Corinth.
Dorcas means “gazelle” in Greek. In the Acts of the Apostles, Dorcas is a Christian woman from Joppa. According to the narrative, she was resurrected by the apostle Peter.
This name comes from a Hebrew word meaning “pure or virginal.” It is a singular name; in the Bible, Jezebel is a queen of Israel who rejected God and preferred to worship idols.
Azuba, Caleb’s daughter, Hetsron’s son, is a girl’s name. Of Hebrew origin, it means “assisted.” 1 Rois 22:42
In the book of Genesis, Tamar appears as a woman given in marriage to ‘Er, the firstborn of Judah, but he dies soon after for displeasing God.
Samara is probably a modification of the name Samaria, a biblical place that was the capital of the Kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament. In Hebrew, it means “protected by God” or “one who God protects” in Hebrew.
In Hebrew, Noah means “rest, appeasement.” In the Old Testament, Noah, Celofehad’s daughter, claims from Moses the right to the inheritance left by her father, who had five daughters and no sons. Thanks to her, the right of inheritance is modified in favor of women.
Lydia of Thyatira (a city of Mysia) was a merchant who settled in Philippi, Macedonia. Initially a Greek Jewess, she “took to heart the words of the apostle Paul” (Acts 16:14). She and her family were baptized and offered hospitality to Paul (and probably Luke).
Zeresh is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Esther. Haman’s wife, the vizier, King Ahasuerus, advises him in his plan to annihilate the Jews in the Persian Empire.
Sharon means “a fertile plain” in Hebrew. According to the Bible, it is a plain bordering the Mediterranean. In the Cant of Song of Songs, a beautiful shepherdess called “the Rose of Sharon” is mentioned.
Chani means “God has favored me.” In the Bible, Chani is the Fremen’s wife and the legitimate concubine of Paul Atreides.
Saint Raissa was a young Egyptian woman of the early 4th century, famous for her courage. Seeing a ship carrying Christians being taken to torture, she boarded it and professed her faith.
Uncovering Hidden Gems: Unique Biblical Names for Girls
Next, We will explore some of the most unique and meaningful biblical names that would be perfect for your sweet little one. From biblical queens to lesser-known characters, you’ll find inspiration here to pick out the perfect name for your daughter.
Rhoda is a female name derived from the Greek ‘Rhodon,’ which means rose, and is one of the most popular biblical baby names for girls. In the Bible, Rhoda was a young maidservant at the house of Mary, mother of John Mark.
She is mentioned in Acts 12:13-15 – Rhoda was so excited that she forgot to open it fully and continued to share her excitement with those gathered inside.
This story highlights Rhoda’s devotion, enthusiasm, and joy when something good happens. The name Rhoda serves as a reminder that we can always find joy in God’s blessings, no matter how small they may seem.
Bethany is of Hebrew origin, meaning “daughter of the lord.” It is a unique biblical name derived from the Hebrew root word “bath,” which means daughter. In the Bible, there are several references to Bethany.
For example, in 1st Samuel 1:20, Hannah named her son Samuel because she said, “for I have asked him of the Lord.” In 2nd Samuel 6:23, Michal is referenced as being the daughter of Saul, who was given to David for his wife.
In addition, Bethany is mentioned in Zechariah 5:11 as a symbol of purity and holiness. As a biblical name, Bethany carries a strong sense of spiritual significance. She would make an excellent choice for anyone looking for a meaningful name for their baby girl.
The name Candance is of Latin origin and means “song.” It is a biblical name related to the Queen of Ethiopia in the New Testament.
Her Greek name was Kandake, meaning “queen mother” or “empress.” This beautiful moniker has recently been used as a given name for girls around the world.
Biblical names are some of the most popular baby names since they reflect strong values and often have interesting stories behind them. For example, Candance is seen as a beautiful and powerful woman with high authority. She was an essential part of biblical history. Her name carries her legacy through modern-day parents who choose it for their daughters.
Phebe is a timeless, beautiful classic that will never go out of style! The name Phebe is of Greek origin and is derived from the ancient Greek name “Phebos,” meaning “shining one” or “bright one.”
It is also a biblical name, appearing in the New Testament as one of the deaconesses of the early Christian church. The name carries a sense of warmth and lightness, making it an attractive choice for parents looking for a unique and meaningful baby name.
Additionally, its association with the Bible creates an air of spiritual strength and grace that can be comforting to parents seeking a solid foundation for their child’s life.
Athaliah is a biblical name that originates from the Hebrew language and means “God is exalted.” It appears in both the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible, being mentioned seven times overall. Athaliah is an important figure in the Bible because it highlights how God can use even those with wicked intentions for His divine purposes.
Despite her misdeeds, God still used Athaliah as part of His plan to save Israel from destruction.
Samara is derived from the Hebrew word “shamar,” which means “protected by God” or “one who God protects” in Hebrew.
It is quite a popular name in both English and Spanish-speaking countries. The name appears in the Bible, with its first mention in 1 Chronicles 10:13, where it is the name of a city in Judah. In the New Testament, Samaria was populated by people who were not Jewish but were influenced by Jewish customs.
In John 4:4-42, Jesus speaks with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well about spiritual matters and performs a miracle for her. Samara is also mentioned as one of the cities where Jesus performed healing miracles during His ministry on Earth (Luke 17:11-19).
These stories emphasize how God will accept anyone who seeks Him and shows His love for all people.
In Hebrew, Keren means “ray of light” or “dignity.” In the Bible. It is a beautiful name for your baby girl that conveys strength and power. Keren also appears several times in the Bible.
Its first mention was in Exodus 17:9, when Moses named the altar he built after his victory over Amalek at Horeb. In addition, it can be found in the books of Numbers, Kings, and Chronicles.
The meaning of Keren in the Bible is to provide strength and protection for God’s people. This makes it a perfect name for your baby girl.
Dinah, or “Diynah,” has its origin in the Hebrew language and is said to mean “judged” or “vindicated.” It also has associations with a biblical figure who appeared in the book of Genesis. In the Bible, Dinah was Jacob’s and Leah’s daughter. She is an important part of many stories, including when Shechem raped her, a prince of a different tribe. Today this name remains popular worldwide.
Genesis 30:21 - Dinah name is from the same root as Dan (v. 6); see ch. 34.
Heaven has its roots in the Middle English word ‘heven,’ derived from the Old English term ‘heaven.’ Hebrew refers to it as ‘shamayim’ and means “the high place” or “the sky.” In the Bible, Heaven is often used to describe a higher realm of existence outside what we can experience here on Earth.
This could be a place for God to dwell or a destination for those who have passed away. It is also seen as a symbol of peace and tranquility. Names like Heavenly, Heavenly Joy, Heavynn, and Heavynne are all inspired by this name and its spiritual connection with divine power. There is an element of mystery surrounding Heaven, which makes it an intriguing name choice for those seeking something unique yet meaningful.
Bathsheba is a name that has a rich history behind it. In the Bible, it was the name of King David’s wife. She was known as a woman of incredible beauty and strength.
She used her influence to protect her husband and ensure his kingdom flourished. The meaning of the name Bathsheba is “daughter of an oath” or “oath of the daughter.” The story of Bathsheba in the Bible is about faithfulness; it is an example for all Christians today to strive for these same qualities in their lives and relationships.
Bathsheba is also a symbol of grace, mercy, love, and courage in difficult times. Her story teaches us that no matter what we face, God is always there for us and will never leave our side.
Daniela is a beautiful name with a biblical origin. The name Daniela is derived from the Hebrew name Daniel, meaning “God is my judge” or God is my justice.”. This name has been popular among Christian families since the Middle Ages.
Tryphena has a rich and exciting history. Tryphena’s name has become increasingly popular over time. It is a Greek name derived from the word ‘tryphon,’ which means “daring” or “courageous.” It is also one of many names found in the New Testament, mentioned explicitly in Romans 16:12 as part of Paul’s list of greetings to his friends and followers. In this context, Tryphena is seen as a woman of faith who serves and spreads God’s Word.
Zia is a name that has Biblical roots and originates from the Hebrew language. Zia means “God’s grace” or “God’s gift,” which reflects the character of this woman who was favored by God and given unique gifts of strength and wisdom. In the Bible, Zia is a woman explicitly mentioned in Proverbs 31 as an example of an ideal wife.
Damaris, of Greek origin, is derived from the word ‘damar,’ which means ‘calf.’ It is a beautiful name with a gentle and peaceful meaning. In the Bible, Damaris was a woman of Athens who was converted to Christianity by Paul.
She symbolizes calmness and peace for those who follow her example. The name Damaris is often given to girls in honor of this important figure in Christian history. This name appears in Acts 17:34
Neriah is mostly a unisex gender name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Lamp of God.” In the Bible, Neriah is the father of Baruch.
- Addi: Like Ada, Addi in German means noble.
- Ahlai: Of Hebrew origin, Ahlai means beautiful or ornamental ornament.
- Chloe: In Greek mythology, Chloe was the middle name of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. This name also appears in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 1:11.
- Eden: is a name that has its origin in Hebrew and means “paradise, place of delight ” The Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve lived, is a special place even for those who do not practice Christianity.
- Jana: This beautiful biblical name is Hebrew and means God is gracious.
- Leah: This Hebrew name comes from the word le’ah, which means “delicate or weary.”
- Lilith: A beautiful Christian name of Babylonian origin, Lilith means belonging to the night.
- Rachel: Rachel is a Hebrew name that means sheep or ewe. In the Bible, Rachel, one of Jacob’s two wives, tried unsuccessfully to have children but could finally have two sons: Benjamin and Joseph.
- Zina: As a Greek name, Zina means “guest or stranger,” but the meaning in African is the name of a secret spirit.
Biblical Baby Names From the Old Testament

- Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, “Ruth 1: 16”.
- Tamar, Judah’s daughter-in-law, “Genesis 38”.
- Asenath, Joseph’s wife and mother of his children, “Genesis 41:45”.
- Esther, Queen of the Persian King Ahasuerus, “Esther 1” (Esther 1) In the Old Testament.
- Adah, Jabal’s and Jubal’s mother and Lamech’s first wife, “Genesis 4:19-21, 23”.
- Sarai was Abraham’s wife “Genesis 11:29”.
- Baara, one of Saharaim’s wives, ” 1 Chronicle 8:8″.
- Hagar was Sarah’s Egyptian servant and slave who became Abraham’s concubine, “Genesis 16”.
- Ruth, Ruth is a book that takes up only a few pages in the Bible. It tells the story of Ruth, a young Foreigner girl from the land of Moab, “Ruth 1”.
- Abigail, Nabal’s wife, “1 Samuel 25″.
- Bathsheba, King David’s wife, “2 Samuel 11“.
- Huldah is the only woman prophet whose oracle has been preserved in the Bible, making her a unique female prophet in the Old Testament. “2 Kings 22:14“.
- Martha, Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene’s sister, “Luke 10:38-42“.
- Delilah is the most prominent figure in the epic love story of Samson in the Old Testament. After seducing Samson to reveal the secret of his power, she was a Philistine woman who got him to tell her that his long hair was the source of his force, and then betrayed him to his enemies and delivered Samson to the Philistines “Judges 16:4“.
- Jezebel, of the Old Testament (Kings I and II), was King Ahab’s wife who ruled the kingdom of Israel. When confronted by pagan worship of the Hebrew god Yahweh and defying the great prophets Elisha, she triggered the internal conflict that devastated Israel for decades.
- Deborah is one of the few prophetesses in the Bible, “Judges 5:23-27”.
- Mary, Jesus’ mother in the Bible, “Acts 1:14”.
- Basemath, Esau’s wife and daughter of Elon, “Genesis 26:34”.
- Susanna, Jehoiachin’s wife, “Luke 8:3”.
- Athaliah, Jezebel’s daughter, and King Ahab’s daughter, married Jehoram, king of Judah. ” Kings 8:16 – 11:16 – 22:10-23:15″.
- Elisha, a prophetess who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel, “2 Kings 6”.
- Jael was a woman who freed Israel from the army of Jabin, king of Canaan. Her story is found in “Judges 4:17-24”.
- In Genesis, God created the heavens and the earth from the book of Genesis.
- Jemima, Jemima is Job’s first daughter in the Tanakh and Old Testament. “Job 42:14”
- Elizabeth: In the Old Testament, appears as Aaron’s wife, “Elisheva,” who, according to the Bible, was the sister of Moses and the first high priest of Israel. We also find Elizabeth in the New Testament as the wife of Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist. “Luke 1:5” In general, Isabella is described as a person who seeks perfection and is full of energy.
- Athaliah, In the Old Testament, in the second book of Kings, and the second book of Chronicles, Athaliah, was the daughter of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel of Israel. She had married King Jehoram of Judah, a descendant of King David, in a union intended to ensure peace between the two kingdoms.
- Jessica originates from the Hebrew name Yiskah, transcribed in Greek and Latin as Iscah and Jesca. It can mean “God is my strength” or “Yahweh is watching.” In the Bible, Yiskah was Haran’s daughter.
Biblical Baby Names From the New Testament

- Berenice, The New Testament briefly mentions this name in association with one of King Herod Agrippa II’s sisters. The meaning of Berenice is “One who brings victory.”
- Priscilla, In the New Testament, there is a reference to Priscilla in the Bible. Priscilla was a Christian woman who lived after Jesus delegated the mission of spreading the gospel to his disciples. Priscilla and her husband resided in Italy until Claudius, the Roman emperor, ordered all Jews to leave Rome. “Romans 16: 3”.
- Mary is “of whom Jesus was born” Matthew 1: 16.
- Sapphira, Along with her husband, was one of the first Christian church members in Jerusalem. Acts 5:1
- Damaris finds faith by hearing Paul’s speech, Acts 17:34.
- Eunice, Timothy’s mother. 2 Timothy 1:5
- Lydia is the first Christian in Europe. Isaiah 66:17-19
- Gabriella is the female version of Gabriel, the archangel who announces the birth of Jesus to Mary. Luke 1:19
- Chloe is associated with the apostle Paul in the Bible.
- Tabitha is a Christian woman who was resurrected by the apostle Peter. Acts 9:36
Christian names for girls
A Guide to Finding the Right Name for Your Daughter. If you want your baby girl to be part of the great history of Christianity, why not choose a name that has meaning for you and her later in life? A tribute to the Virgin Mary, a biblical name… There are many ways to honor Christ by choosing a beautiful name for your little girl.
- Angela: angelic, from the angels
- Azubah: Caleb’s wife. I Chronicles: 23
- Asenath: Egyptian wife of Joseph. Genesis:19
- Bethany: the house of song
- Candace: humble
- Claudia: greeted by Paul the Apostle. 2 Timothy: 36
- Diane: brilliant, perfect
- Dinah: of justice
- Eglah: This is one of King David’s wives. II Samuel, I Chronicles:7- 45
- Eden: Eden
- Edna: pleasant
- Eva: life or living one.
- Grace: blessing
- Hannah: merciful
- Iscah: Abraham’s younger brother’s daughter, Haran Genesis: 73
- Joanna: God is gracious
- Jecholiah: Amaziah’s wife, “king of Judah,” and Uzziah’s mother. II Kings, II Chronicles:75
- Julia: A minor character in the New Testament Romans:92
- Judith: a woman from Judea
- Keziah: Job’s second daughter. Job: 81
- Milcah: one of Zelophehad’s daughters. Numbers, Joshua: 69- 106
- Michal: who resembles God
- Miriam: Rebellion – Of The Sea Or Bitter
- Naamah: Sister of Tubal-Cain. “Genesis 140”
- Noa: Zelofehad’s daughter “Numbers 144”.
- Orpah: Ruth´s Sister-in-law. “Ruth 146”
- Puah: Puah and Shifrah, two midwives, objected to Pharaoh’s order to sacrifice all male Hebrews at birth. Exodus[154]
- Persis: whom the apostle Paul greeted. “Romans 148”.
- Tahpenes: Hadad was given the Edomite with Tahpenes’ sister in marriage by the Egyptian monarch in 1 King 11:19–20.
- Tamar: Tamar is the ancestress of a large part of the tribe of Judah, particularly of the house of David, and her story is found in the ancestor narratives of Genesis.
- Zibiah: Sometimes known as Sibia, was the concubine of King Ahaziah of Judah and the mother of King Jehoash of Judah.
What is a Biblical Baby Name, and Why Choose One?
A biblical name is a name that is based on the Bible. It can be either a name used by a crucial biblical personality or a name with a meaning that makes sense to you as you read the Bible.
When choosing your baby’s name, consider what it means to you and how it will fit your family’s spiritual beliefs.
Wao! I love all th baby boy names form the Bible that you picked… my favorite are Isaac and Jacob. Are you going to do bay girl names too?
Oh what interesting ! all those baby bloy names from Biblie are pure love. Are wonderful !
Ask this names from the Bible are beautiful. I love Aaron and Samuel.
I mean “all” not “ask”.
Great list of names of boys from the bible. My son’s name is Gabriel and I love it! I used biblical names for both of my boys, Gabriel Simon my first son and the second Gaspar Uriel. thanks fro sharing the meanings.
Is good to know the meaning. Personally I like Gabriel, Noah, and Abel. Muy son name is Lucas also a religious connotation. Thank you!
Very interesting the history of baby boy names. For me and my husband, Samuel is the favorite ?
I love this! I have a few members in my family with those names and it was great to learn their meaning.
What a beautiful names! I like Noah the best, and Gabriel too.
I love these baby boy names from the Bible.